866-9-ADVICE (866-923-8423 is the number that will appear on your caller id whenever a call is placed).


Step 1: Add your phone number to your profile.

Include your phone number in your profile to call an advisor. Our double-blind calling system keeps your number private.

Please follow the correct number format.  For US callers (+1)(space)(10 digit number no spaces or dashes).

Add your phone number to your account

For example if your number is 510-555-2332 it would be entered: +1 5105552332.

+1 is the United States country code, if you are calling outside of the United States and do not know your country code please click here.


Step 2: Add funds to your account

To call an advisor you must have at least $5 in your account.  Adding funds to your account is simple and can be done securely with one click here.


Step 3: Select a listing

Press the Call Now button.  

Press the call now button

Our system will connect you with the advisor.  You will receive a call on your phone from 866-923-8423 once the connection is made. If you do not receive a call before the timer ends (approx. 45 secs. - 1 min.) please close the box, exit the page and try again.

System connects you with advisor

Note: If the advisor is not able to take your call the listing will show Unavailable or Busy.


Step 4: Enjoy your call!

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