Introducing the Gold Star Online Indicator: Enhance Your Networking Experience

Online Now Indicator Online Now

We are delighted to announce an enhancement to your experience on PBTM. Understanding the importance of timely and efficient communication in today's digital landscape, we have introduced the Gold Star Online Indicator. This feature is designed to improve real-time interactions and streamline your networking process.

The Gold Star Online Indicator is a visual tool that marks the presence of users who are currently active on our platform. When an advisor logs in, a gold star symbol will appear next to their listing, signifying their online status. This feature enables you to identify and connect with other users who are available for immediate conversation, fostering a more dynamic and interactive community environment.

-Immediate Recognition: Easily identify online users at a glance.
-Enhanced Engagement: Take advantage of the opportunity to engage with users in real-time.
-Effective Networking: Facilitate better networking by connecting with active members when it's most convenient.

We encourage you to explore this new feature and experience the enhanced connectivity it offers.

As we continually strive to improve your experience on our platform, your feedback is invaluable. Should you have any queries or suggestions regarding this new feature, please feel free to contact us.

Thank you for being a part of our growing community. We are committed to providing you with tools and features that enhance your online interactions and contribute to your professional growth.

Best regards,


P.S. Stay tuned for more updates as we are constantly working to bring you innovative features and improvements.